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Text Adventure Engine_

Todo List_

Generalize output function so we can have Java Applets as well as executables to play the games (cool bit).

Descriptions: Make Item Descriptions back into ItemDescription Descendants

A dresser: (TopDrawerOpen ? BottomDrawerOpen ? "Its drawers are open" : "Its top drawer is open" : BottomDrawerOpen ? "Its bottom drawer is open" : "It's drawers are closed")

   hasLitTorch{"and:(hasItem:torch1):(stateOfItem:torch1:lit)"}; <---Hmmm
   verbtake{"(get)|(grab)|(take)|(pick up)"};

   AddVerb {"verbtake (the )?key"...};

Possible "yes no" answerability":

Change all descriptions to checkEval->Event pairs

Last updated: February 1, 2006 Contact: Ed