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Text Adventure Engine_

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Welcome to the Home Page for the Text Adventure Engine! I know, it's not a very creative title, but there's no real reason to change it. It's informative, and it sums up the entire project. Kinda like Rolly the Purple Ball Who Goes Around Picking Up Other Balls and Puts Them in Places to Get Energized So He Can Get to the Next Level.

Right now, the project is in its infancy (alpha version). It's written in Java because it's easier than C++ and more portable than VB. Also easier than VB. In fact, I couldn't think of one reason to use VB. Some quick specs: It's a console-based text adventure engine that will eventually have a GUI for creating the games themselves. The ability to write your own code to do whatever you want is also built in, and since it's open-source under the GPL, you can pretty much do whatever you want.

In any case, there's not much here yet. Once I get things up and running, I'll put up a few "sample" games to use the project with. I say "sample" in quotes because they're not really games and hardly worth showing off. Just something I used in testing the engine's ability to actually work._

in your inventory, you have


February 1 , 2006

Finally everything is up to the extent that it is visible and accessible. Version 0.1 PreAlpha released for your downloading pleasure. NOTE: don't even think about trying to use it yet unless you have intermediate to advanced knowledge of Java and like looking at unrefined code that we had to blast right from the rockbed. May upload the Javadoc some time soon. Or perhaps not. You never know.

January 31, 2006

Added the downloads page. Not that anybody's keeping track. Oops, gotta go to Physics._

January 27, 2006

Made the site! Absolutely nothing on it yet, and the sidebar's links aren't even all real! Expect this to change soon._

September ambiguous, 2005

Began development of the Text Adventure Engine._

Last updated: February 1, 2006 Contact: Ed